Golden Zoning Code Audit & Rewrite



City of Golden

Project Scope

Zoning Code Audit & Rewrite

Project Description

Pel-Ona Architects & Urbanists, in collaboration with Peter J. Park, LLC and Metta Urban Design, conducted the audit and rewrite phases of the new zoning code for the City of Golden. The primary objectives of crafting the new code included preserving the small town character, increasing housing diversity by permitting and encouraging small lot and small building developments, and enabling inclusion of small business opportunities in mixed-use corridors. The result is a user-friendly code that encourages more diverse, inclusive, and well-loved development. The team crafted 46 building form types and assigned them to 9 building form zones in various combinations. The new code was adopted by the City Council in two phases, with the first phase in 2022, and the second phase in 2023.

Project Date

Phase One adopted by City Council in 2022. Phase Two was adopted in 2023.
Golden Zoning Code building form examples

Each of the 46 building form types are presented in the code with a diagrammatic plan and a bird’s-eye perspective. Above are, from left to right, Courtyard Frontage Compound, Four Cottage Compound, and Cluster of Detached and Attached Cottages.

Golden Zoning Code building form type examples

A comparison of the same lot under different building form types that permit similar amount of building floor area: on the left is a four-unit rowhouse building, on the right is a five-cottage compound. Each of these may be appropriate in different contexts. Creating multiple building form types allow us to better respond to the scale and character of the context.

Golden Zoning Code Form Standards example - the Urban House

Excerpts from the adopted Golden Zoning Code Rewrite document

Golden Zoning Code house form types example